Sus expresiones en la cara te irradiaban paz. Among the many contacts with people from different parts of the island, these interlocutors appeared who claimed to belong to a religious congregation called Friendship, which was an island in the Guaitecas archipelago. These actions began with Spain's seizure of the guano -rich Chincha Islands, part of a strategy by Isabel II of Spain to reassert her country's lost influence in Spain's former South American empire. Volcano Villarica, Panguipulli, Los Ros Region, Chile. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. [2][12][8][14][17], En 2012 se present en el Festival de Cannes el cortometraje Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? WebEl caso de la isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda contempornea para curar enfermedades. Menciona que su ubicacin est cercana a Isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W. Lets start with the most basic and economical option of them all. En distintas entrevistas, el hombre asegur que las voces en la radio tenan un acento gringo y que, dada su manera de expresarse y el amplio conocimiento que demostraron tener en cualquier materia que se tratase durante las charlas, todo el tiempo pens que se trataba de gente religiosa, quiz mormones, pero jams consider la posibilidad de que fueran extraterrestres. WebSomewhere in the Southwest area of Chiloe Island (Chile), there is an extraterrestrial base located in a place that has been called Friendship Island. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". What did the Friendship want to prove with this show of force? Con tu suscripcin navegs sin lmites, acceds a contenidos exclusivos y mucho ms. I had absolute freedom of movement within the facilities, which were comfortable and functional, said the man. Una experta revela lo que no se vio a simple vista en la entrevista con Baby, A das de su renuncia en el Canal 9, Sofa Gainza comenzar a trabajar en un nuevo medio, La Pea de Morfi: quin es la famosa cantante que reemplazar a Georgina Barbarossa como conductora, Otro ciclista muri atropellado en Mendoza: lo embisti un camin recolector de residuos, Buenas noticias para jubilados: quines no deben hacer el trmite de supervivencia para cobrar en abril, Wanda Nara pos con una malla escotadsima apoyada en una patrulla policial y despert puros suspiros, Florencia de la V enamor con un traje brilloso de plumas y conchero que contorne su increble figura, Alejandra Maglietti pos agachada con un microshort fucsia y casi revela sus partes ms privadas, Cora Reutemann revolucion las redes con su baile subido de tono: sper escote, meneo hasta abajo y ms, Celeste Muriega empez sus 34 aos en un bar y sin prendas, dejando su delantera y abdomen a la vista de todos, Se llama Siri y quiere que Apple le regale una computadora por haber sufrido aos de bromas, El pez vampiro que tiene una ventosa para pegarse a sus presas y fue recuperado en California, Jueves 6: cul es el signo del zodaco con ms buena suerte, Tamara Bez le hizo un costossimo regalo en oro a L-Gante por su cumpleaos con una dedicatoria especial, Exequiel Palacios se separ de Yesica Fras y la joven lo liquid en sus redes sociales: Me solt la mano, Jey Mammn se va del pas tras la denuncia por abuso de Lucas Benvenuto: Necesito descansar la cabeza, Historias de mujeres que pusieron su nombre a las calles de Mendoza, Por la escapada de Semana Santa las reservas son del 85% en Mendoza, Esqu: la historia de la instructora mendocina que dio ctedra en el Mundial de Finlandia, Julieta de Gran Hermano luci transparencias en una sesin fotogrfica desde un silln rojo y deslumbr a sus fans, Estrenos de cine: qu pelculas llegan este jueves 6 de abril a las salas. WebChile. That is what can be deduced by reading the transcript of the communications. Though these two cases share many things in common, there are a few stark differences between them as well. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Why do people only want to exploit for self gain and power. [15] Ninguna de ellas logr ubicar a grupos como los descritos. Both include parts of the coastal range. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [2][4] Sus habitantes seran personas de rasgos caucsicos, y muy altos. WebIsla Friendship is an island in Chile. "If we monitor airspace with over seven thousand satellites, why can't extraterrestrials monitor our war games?". Curiosity over the true identities of those who conceal themselves under the guise of "angels of the Lord" disrupts the Ortiz family's life: the radio remains on at all hours and Cristina, Octavio's wife--a shrewd and restless woman--makes an effort at getting to the bottom of the greatest question: the origins of their interlocutors. Easter Island (native name: Rapa Nui) is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia, under Chilean territory. |, Los misterios de la Isla Frienship: extraterrestres en el sur de Chile?, Inexplicable: ovnis en Chile y el misterio de la isla Friendship, La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ovnis en la patagonia chilena, En busca de Friendship: Viaje a la Isla de los Ovnis, En busca de la imaginaria Isla Friendship Escpticos (AECH), EXPERIENCIAS PARANORMALES DE UN SUBTENIENTE, El Noticiero del HuascoLa misteriosa Isla Friendship | El Noticiero del Huasco, La Estrella de Chilo: Pescador se confiesa: yo fui abducido, La isla Friendship en Chile: el misterioso lugar que estara poblado por extraterrestres sanadores | Por las redes, Menor extraviado pretenda llegar a mtica isla Friendship al sur de Quelln |, Asegura investigador chileno que Hitler "vivi y muri" en Chile - ElPeriodicoDeMexico.Com, Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship?,, Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin Compartir Igual3.0. For more than two decades there has been speculation about the existence of the famous Friendship Island, however, until now there is still no certainty of its possible location, nor of the truthfulness of the contacts with the inhabitants of the friendship island. * Las islas del sur de Chile esconden grandes misterios. The temperature was constant and around 20 C, which for me was a luxury, after the cold that I was used to suffering in Chile. Your email address will not be published. [19][20], Chiloe Island travel guide from Wikivoyage. In the measure that the sun went down, Rodrguez noticed the presence of a darker sphere. Friendship Breezes is a two-bedroom, two-bath villa complete with pool and all modern amenities. In 1983 claimed to have made contact with the inhabitants who lived on that island in the south. Polish-Ukrainian friendship masks a bitter, bloody history. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. * Durante un tiempo, De la Fuente trabaj para los Friendship. The friendship between America and the people of Robinson Crusoe Island, Valparaso Source: Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Richard N Horne used under CC BY-SA 4.0 Robinson Crusoe Island gives a nostalgic overview of Daniel Defoes masterpiece Robin Crusoe and is a great place to visit. Por otro lado, un equipo electrgeno de ese tamao, por mucho que se le asle, suena y vibra. Chilo National Park (Parque Nacional de Chilo) is located on the island's western shore and Tantauco Park (Parque Tantauco), a private natural reserve created and owned by Chilean business magnate and former President of Chile Sebastin Piera, is located on the island's southern shore. Comerciante de profesin, adquiri una radio con una antena de 11 metros para sus comunicaciones: Tomamos contactos con estos seores que primero pensamos que se trataba de religiosos o mormones por su forma de hablar. Outdoor kitchen and dining area with built in BBQ and portable Gas BBQ. To this day I do not have the certainty that they are beings from another planet, said Ortiz. "Whenever this happens," Octavio explains, seated in front of his base station, "the needle indicates the maximum--a tremendously powerful broadcaster." His hair was dark blond, with light eyes and slightly toasted skin. at Yo vi venir dos lneas que eran cmo Mercurio y se juntaron, luego escuch la voz de Ariel -el presunto habitante de Friendship- y me dijo: Octavio no te preocupes, esta tarde alrededor de las siete tu madre descansar, cinco minutos para las siete mi madre falleci'. The first contact occurred in 1985, after the cold that I was used to suffering in Chile. Ms an, divulgamos para aprender, y aprendemos ms cuando nos equivocamos y nos corrigen. Web715-698-2488. Photo Map. Each episode typically features a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline from another point in a character's life. Su altura superaba con creces la del chileno promedio. La interpretacin propia de dichas fuentes. El caso de la isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda contempornea para curar enfermedades. Pero sus pobladores no seran personas como nosotros, sino ms bien seres extraterrestres que, segn testigos (o vctimas), manejan tecnologa avanzada y ayudan a sanar a los humanos. What was most striking was the peace that radiated from his presence, he said. [17] Previously the only means of access to Chilo island was via a ferry service across the Chacao Channel. ontaining ready made phrases in Spanish regarding the purpose of his trip. Hasta que el programa Ovni de TVN hizo un reportaje a esta supuesta Isla habitada de seres extraterrestres, recin ah sent curiosidad por el tema, curiosidad que por cierto dur poco tiempo, pero que record luego de mis vacaciones recin finalizadas. 22nd Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. Su cabello era rubio oscuro, con ojos claros y su piel algo tostada. In a matter of minutes, she was able to make out a shining object suspended in the sky. Lavidente y tarotista Yolanda Sultana, ms conocida como ta Yoli, dio su nefasto vaticinio para nuestro pas a travs de sus redes sociales donde ya es habitual verla. They had something strange, they were all the same type. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. No olvide guardar la para ver ms contenidos despus. In his vehicle, Ernesto took them to small ports from where they were picked up by the Mytilus II, a small boat, which was the only one authorized to reach the supposed island. Horscopo semanal, del 8 al 14 de agosto: Qu nos espera estos das? WebChilo is the largest island in the country of Chile. Los Angeles, Apr 5 (EFE).- US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday welcomed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to California and at their meeting hailed US-Taiwanese friendship amid great controversy about the issue and how Beijing will react to such a statement. Te invito a ingresar a nuestro grupo en FB:Dando click aqui, publicamos artculos todos los das. WebThis is a list of islands of Chile, as listed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Country Files (GNS). Researcher Diego Ziga summarized the incident in an article Did Aliens From Friendship Island Warn Of The The point indicated as the location of Friendship Island is between the Chonos and Guaitecas archipelago, in southern Chile. Registro Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual 5316981. A critical and popular success, Lost garnered an average of 16 million viewers per episode on ABC during its first year, and won numerous industry awards including the, , the show has become a staple of American. It is separated from the Chilean mainland by the Chacao Strait (Canal Chacao) to the north, and by the Gulf of Ancud (Golfo de Ancud) and the Gulf of Corcovado (Golfo Corcovado) to the east; the Pacific Ocean lies to the west, and the Chonos Archipelago lies to the south, across the Boca del Guafo. I believe that we are not alone and have never been alone. According to Ruiz, these people had great knowledge and a foreign accent. A comprehensive guide to how Friendship Level bonuses work, how Damage bonuses are applied and how Stardust trade This object, they believed, belonged to the strange inhabitants of a place called Friendship Island. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". El caso se bas en supuestas comunicaciones radiales entre algunas personas con habitantes de una desconocida isla ubicada en el sur de Chile en los aos 80. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1914. This railroad is no longer in service. WebAs a company offering responsible tourism in the Lake & Volcano District, Atacama Desert and Patagonia of Chile since 2003, we decided to take a new challenge towards becoming a Zero Waste Company. The first Spaniard to sight the coast of Chilo was the explorer Alonso de Camargo[es] in 1540, as he was travelling to Peru. The eastern shore, in the rain shadow of the interior mountains, is warmer and drier. Hace ya varios aos que se perdi el contacto con los supuestos habitantes de la isla. Secrets of Friendship Island by Josep Guijarro Since 1984, a group of ham radio operators has claimed to be in contact with a strange congregation known as "the Friendship"--composed of beings of a Nordic aspect and having strange accents who have considerable technical knowledge and have also predicted important scientific, political Might they have been balloons? Required fields are marked *. [4][7][14], Segn los relatos de los supuestos visitantes, la isla Friendship se encontrara en la Regin de Aysn, entre el archipilago de los Chonos y el de las Guaitecas. Everything was controlled through computer processors: There was a heated pool, three large greenhouses, satellite TV lounges, and other amenities that I would have never imagined. For more than two decades there has been speculation about the existence of the famous Friendship Island, however, until now there is still no certainty of its possible location, nor of the truthfulness of the contacts with the inhabitants of the friendship island. Si sanan, curan males, previenen desastres indica q quiz nos quieren, dios los bendiga. "At the time," explains Anfruns, "the U.S. Navy was holding exercises off Valparaiso," making reference to the UNITAS maneuvers conducted with allied countries in the Pacific Ocean. Many went on for more than two hours. De la Fuentetuvo la oportunidad de conocer a los supuestos habitantes deFriendship. [18], A project to build a bridge from Chilo Island to the mainland of Chile was initially proposed in 1972 and was eventually launched under the government of Ricardo Lagos (2000-2006) who launched the project as part of works to celebrate the Bicentennial of Chile. Comedians in Latina make Jorge Benavides tremble? Su cabello era rubio oscuro, con ojos claros y su piel algo tostada. 2012 Los tres viajaran en la embarcacin llamada Mytilus II. The capital is Castro, on the east side of the island; the second largest town is Ancud, at the island's northwest corner, and there are several smaller port towns on the east side of the island, such as Quelln, Dalcahue and Chonchi. Volcano Villarica, Panguipulli, los uflogos alegan que corresponden a extraterrestres nrdicos freedom of movement within the,. Wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps a clinic or hospital, he told de la Embajada de Japn en.. La pgina: para ver ms contenidos despus ciertas fuentes the facilities, which were comfortable and,... Make out a shining object suspended in the country of Chile, la. Rapa Nui ) is a wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps 19 ] 3!, bounce rate, traffic source, etc blog nutrieron el mito sobre cmo es la isla es! Of a terminal cancer that he suffered Guitecas ( Chile ) which does not exist on the as! 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WebA series of coastal and high-seas naval battles between Spain and its former colonies of Peru and Chile occurred between 1864 and 1866. The Potential For Discovery Of Aliens: Scientist Explores the Possibility of Hidden Alien Fossils on Earth, Tiny Alien Corpse Found In Bolivia After A Strange Green UFO And Creatures Were Spotted By Residents, Terry Lovelace, The Former US Attorneys Shocking Encounter: Alien Abduction with Physical Proof!, USA has clear photos of UFOs pursued by military pilots, says renowned researcher. Post by According to what they said, the emitters came from an island called friendship. Patricio Baados nos cuenta sobre la comunidad que podra habitar la isla y sus enigmas. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Todos los derechos reservados. [14] From this point on, new towns dedicated to this industry were formed, including Quelln, Dalcahue, Chonchi and Quemchi were established. POSTCARD GG13 at the best online prices at eBay! San Martn 1049 (5500), Mendoza, Argentina. Did you know that the most populated island in the world is in South America? Menciona que su ubicacin est cercana a Isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W. No obstante quienes han mencionado tener contacto con ellos; concuerdan en que los friendship que han visto son todos hombres altos de aspecto nrdico que se hacen llamar como los ngeles,Miguel, Rafael, Ariel, etc. I dont remember having seen a clinic or hospital, he concluded. I do not remember seeing a clinic or hospital, he told de La Fuente. Chilean researcher Osvaldo Murray has Poblamiento temprano de los extremos geogrficos de los canales patagnicos: Chilo e Isla Navarino 1, Conchales arqueolgicos y comunidades locales de Chiloa travs de una experiencia de educacin patrimonial, Las misiones circulares de los jesuitas en Chilo. En estas comunicaciones, participaron otros radioaficionados chilenos, adems de algunos invitados de otras partes del mundo. Chile is a country in South America. Sin duda, un caso que an dar mucho que hablar. Fundado el 20 de octubre de 1883 por el Dr. Adolfo Calle. Cristina went out to the patio of their farm in La Florida and looked heavenward. [1] The climate is cool temperate oceanic with Mediterranean precipitation pattern. Its height far exceeded that of the average Chilean. FRIENDSHIP is a mysterious island at the Archipilago de las Guitecas (Chile) which does not exist on the map. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The island was originally called New Galicia by the Spanish discoverers,[10] but this name did not stick and the name Chilo, meaning "place of seagulls" in the Huilliche language, was given to the island. document.write('Derechos de Autor'), document.write('Condiciones particulares de uso de Guioteca'). Two of the expeditions to locate it was made by the Nueva Imagen production company. Jey Mammon miente o no? WESTERN PA HOSPITAL. El nico que se anim a visitar la isla fue Ernesto de la Fuente, quien describi a sus habitantes como hombres caucsicos y de ojos azules, de entre 35 y 55 aos de edad. Cont con el apoyo de la Embajada de Japn en Chile. This prompted expeditions to search for it, but it could never be found. Josep Guijarro is another outstanding member of Spain's "third generation" of UFO researchers and has the distinction of being one of the few investigators to have witnessed one of the so-called Grey aliens during the course of researching an abduction case. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); The video, shot in Canada, shows at least three light-colored oval objects, which as they pass across the, Surprising images of a security camera are causing a sensation on the Internet. Incluso a nosotros; nos invitaron a subir al yate varias veces, pero yo tuve miedo. WebFriendship Island, Chile. Nevertheless, this relatively undisturbed area faces different threats, like urban development, habitat degradation, land and marine pollution. No obstante, yhasta el momento, nadie fue capaz de encontrar esta isla que, segn cuentan los radioaficionados, aparece y desaparece de las imgenes satelitales sin dejar rastros. The friendship between America and the people of Known as The Chilean Friendship Case, it would seem to involve the same group of humanoids as the Akrij or W56 from the 1956 case in Pescara, Italy. Los medios frente al grave drama del femicidio, Los precios de las hortalizas subieron hasta el triple en 15 das, A un mes de la muerte del nio en Guaymalln, todas las obras de los Paco estn paralizadas y el pozo fue tapado, Crdoba: su hijastra lo denunci por abuso y fue encarcelado recin cuando finaliz el juicio, Bariloche se prepara: actualizaron el cronograma de actividades para la Fiesta del Chocolate 2023, Marco Di Napoli, el chef cordobs que trabaj en siete pases y cocin en el Mundial, Semana Santa en La Cumbre: cuatro jornadas de arte, msica y libros. ?As with many contact cases, the more one uncovers about a given case the more questions will inevitably surface. The current executive producers are Abrams, Lindelof. Address. With an area of 8,394 square kilometres (3,241sqmi), Chilo Island is the second largest island in Chile (after the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego), the largest island completely within Chile, and the fourth largest in South America. We played many songs and it never occurred to us to link them with extraterrestrial beings. [7] In 1558, Spanish soldier Garca Hurtado de Mendoza began an expedition which would culminate in the Chilo archipelago being claimed for the Spanish crown. WebDe la Fuente tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a los supuestos habitantes de Friendship. From the source He was contacted in 1989, according to what he stated in various interviews. [1][14]Osvaldo Murray ha alegado que en realidad correspondera a una comunidad de ex jerarcas nazis, similar al caso de Colonia Dignidad. Eventually, he claimed to have not only met members of Friendship in person, but to have also been to the Island they inhabited. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Who were they, indeed?. 23 S.E. La Isla Friendship es una leyenda urbana sobre una supuesta isla localizada en el sur de Chile, en la Regin de Aysn. One of the most controversial protagonists of this story is Ernesto de la Fuente, a mechanical civil engineer from the University of Concepcin. Lo que ms llamaba la atencin era la paz que irradiaba su presencia, dijo. The beings claimed to have an island in the southern south of Chile: Their only contact was a yacht in which they transported machinery and the people who visited them. WebTravelers, birders, snorkelers, and history buffs alike will delight in this unique and extensive 25-day South Pacific cruise that will sail from Tahiti to mainland Chile. Was the Friendship controlling that flying saucer? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. [16], Dadas las caractersticas fsicas de los habitantes de la isla, los uflogos alegan que corresponden a extraterrestres nrdicos. That is one of the main questions raised by those who argue that this story is false. WebThe island is located in southern Chile, in the Los Lagos Region. As the official report (to which I had access) indicates, at 15:40 LMT, radar picked up an unidentified object located 20 nautical miles to the west of the El Tabn beacon and moving slowly toward the west. It isn't until August 17, 1985 that the Ortiz family realizes that they are truly facing the extraordinary. [1][2][3][4] No se ha encontrado ninguna prueba de su existencia. Your email address will not be published. He was cured of a terminal cancer that he suffered. [8] However, in an expedition ordered by Pedro de Valdivia, captain Francisco de Ulloa reached the Chacao Channel in 1553 and explored the islands forming the archipelago, and is thus considered the first European discoverer of Chilo. Cordillera del Piuchn make up the northern mountains and the more subdued Cordillera de Pirulil gathers the southern mountains. Lo que se aporta a quienes leen este sitio, es una interpretacin de ciertas fuentes. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Manos a la obra mendocinos! Despite its remoteness on the map, the island is easily accessible by local On the one hand, a Boeing 727 coming in from the north, and on the other, Ladeco Flight 061 and the CC-LHL flying between Limache to Tobalaba. The east coast is deeply indented, with several natural harbors and numerous smaller islands. At said meeting, Ernesto He was cured of a terminal cancer that he suffered. High 73F. In that original article, I detailed the essentials on how the story of the Friendship Island affair began, which presents most of the story's key players: It was 1984, someplace near the Southern coast of Chile, and a mysterious distress signal had just buzzed across the receiver of ham radio operator Octavio Ortiz. During his time on friendship island, De la Fuente claimed to have slept in a small piece of approximately 3 square meters. Recuerdo haber escuchado de sta Isla por primera vez en 1997, en aquella poca poco se saba de ella, lo curioso fue quin me la mencion, ya que fue justamente en Chilo. [1][14] En el interior de la isla existira adems una mina de metales raros, cuya produccin permitira solventar los gastos de la comunidad religiosa. FRIENDSHIP PARK. The Mysterious Inhabitants Of Friendship Island: Extraterrestrials in Chile? Explore the latest news & podcasts. * Su labor consisti en recibir a familias y personas que eran invitadas a la isla. Subscriptions. This thread is archived . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, when she has tried to return he has found no trace of the island, not even knowing the exact location. Why Visit Easter Island. La temperatura era constante y de aproximadamente 20C , lo que para m era un lujo, despus de los fros que estaba acostumbrado a sufrir en Chilo. Sus escritos en un blog nutrieron el mito sobre cmo es la isla de Friendship. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The monument is the only known shared breeding site for Humboldt and Magellanic penguins. Durante el tiempo en que pudo permanecer en la isla, De la Fuente asegur haber dormido en una pequea pieza de aproximadamente 3 metros cuadrados. La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ovnis o farsa? JANESVILLE - Janesville Little Theatre is staging The Shawshank Redemption with an all-male cast in April, as the third production of its 94th season. an old radio and his video camera would be the only means to establish contacts and collect information. En este episodio revisaremos testimonios de personas que fueron a \"Friendship\" a sanar sus enfermedades. Of roughly rectangular shape, the southwestern half of the island is a wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps. En su interior no haba ms que una cama y una mesa con un terminal de computador.

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